Public Procurement Law

Lawyer Public Procurement Law

Institutions governed by Public law and the government spend over tens of millions of euros annually on tendered goods & services ranging from software packages to the building of residential tower blocks. They are legally obliged to procure the work, delivery or the service in a transparent, objective and non-discriminatory manner. In this way, all interested parties have an equal chance to gaining the contract.

Public Procurement law is in constant development. Therefore, it is essential to keep abreast of the current law, the regulations and the jurisprudence. The European Procurement Directives and the amended Dutch Procurement Law 2012 play a pivotal role. But the underlying law like the Dutch Procurement Regulations Work (ARW 2012), the Dutch Procurement Decision & the Proportionality Guide also require attention.

Our lawyers at Van Diepen Van der Kroef have innate knowledge to assist in every phase of a tender procedure. We support both services and tenderers.

Expertise in Procurement

Specific areas of proficiency include:

  • Construction of the tender, including the tendering procedure (public & non-public), negotiation procedure, a framework agreement or a competitive dialogue procurement
  • Obligations for contracting services out to tender
  • Review of tender documents under threshold value
  • Programme of Procurement Requirements and note Information-drafting
  • Drafting & regulation check of selection criteria, award criteria & exclusion criteria
  • The most economically advantageous tender (EMVI)
  • Contract award decision and justification of the award
  • Objection period or Alcatel-period
  • Legal protection
  • Interim relief procedures
  • Best Value Procurement (BVP or performance purchase)

Are you in need of legal advice or assistance? We are here to help. Contact one of our lawyers specialised in Procurement Law.