International Law

Lawyer International Law practice

iStock_79537959_XLARGEThroughout history the Netherlands has achieved recognition as an international trading nation. Nowadays, the challenges of developing markets and growing cross-border businesses offer enviable chances for entrepreneurs. Cross-border business on the international scene is tantamount to legal questions and often, disputes. To succeed, to navigate these seas, a perceptive entrepreneur seeks excellent legal advice and partners who can understand the trials and tribulations of complex business agreements and endeavours. Van Diepen Van der Kroef’s international
law practitioners are well acquainted with the ins and outs of international treaties, practices and obligations. They are proud to be a part of an international network of experts worldwide. European law also counts as a vital legal area in terms of international operations: our knowhow can serve you well.

Expertise in International Law

Specific areas of proficiency include:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A) international takeovers, joint ventures, partial ownership agreements
  • International treaty expertise Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), CMR International transportation law, New York Convention on International Recognition of Arbitral Awards
  • International legal proceedings and arbitral tribunals/proceedings
  • International cooperation agreements
  • International contracts, exemplified by sales and purchase agreements
  • International agency agreements
  • International conflict of laws

Are you seeking legal advice? Our international law experts are proud of their superlative knowledge. Kindly take up contact with one of our partners in this area, Professor Dr. Axel Hagedorn or Joachim Staab.

International network of lawyers, accountants and fiscal advisors

Van Diepen Van der Kroef can further assist you in all international questions of law thanks to a considerable network of experts in a significant number of geographical areas. We offer on-site local assistance, recommendations and advice.

Joachim Staab Advocaat
Joachim Staab 🇩🇪


Advocaat Renze Streng
Renze Streng
