Real Estate and Tenancy Law

Lawyer Real Estate and Tenancy Law

Real Estate and Tenancy law both influence transactions & litigation due to complex law and regulation. Good advice requires thorough and up-to-date knowledge, not only concerning pressing legal matters but also concerning the current market, parties’ involved and finding the best practical solutions. Van Diepen Van der Kroef endeavour to achieve the best tailor-made results for clients. We provide practical advice to enable the concentration to be focused on the things that really do matter concerning your business.

Our clients include developers, contractors, sub-contractors, common hold associations, property owners, brokers, managers, municipalities & individuals. Our lawyers have the expertise to find appropriate and practical solutions to all legal issues.

Expertise in Real Estate and Tenancy Law

Amongst others, we possess in-depth knowledge and experience in the following legal areas:

  • Project development
  • Assessment/drafting of cooperation agreements
  • Construction Law & contracting: deliberation on defects, extra work, (timely) delivery etc
  • Rental (Airbnb), subletting, the drafting and reviewal of rental agreements
  • The buying and selling of properties i.e. shops, office premises’, storage space, hotels or agricultural land
  • Hidden defects (breach) & seller or civil notary liability
  • Public Procurement
  • Financing (Mortgage & Security Law)
  • Easements
  • Property & Leasehold
  • Drafting and evaluation of rental agreements (business premises & residential properties)
  • Environmental Law (advice on applications or drafting objection documents for building permits, removal or variance of planning permission & expropriation)
  • Regulations, division of freehold documentation & conflicts concerning Common Hold Associations (Dutch VVE)

Are you in need of legal assistance or advice? We are happy to help. Contact one of our lawyers in Real Estate & Tenancy Law.