Intellectual Property Law

Lawyer IP, IT and Media Law

Converting your idea into a successful product or service takes considerable time, money and energy. It is essential for your business that this investment is protected from the initial stage. Van Diepen Van der Kroef are able to advise you on the most appropriate way to protect a business plan.

Our Intellectual Property lawyers are able to protect interests in the event of an infringement on a product, brand, trademark or patent. We have the capacity to provide advice or to mediate and negotiate on behalf of our clientele. If necessary, we can even litigate in order to achieve the most appropriate result. In collaboration with our clients, we determine the required steps needed in order to prevent potential trademark infringement.

In the event of an infringement on the intellectual property of another, our lawyers are also able to provide guidance and advice of the (potential) risks & legal liability involved, whether (un)intentional or otherwise. We are able to examine whether you can rely on any possible legal exceptions e.g. in cases related to the satirical, parody or pastiche of artistic expression. We can certainly make an acute estimation on whether there is likely infringement on the rights of another in the process of commissioning a new trade name, logo or brand.

Expertise in Intellectual Property/IT & Media Law

Amongst others, we have knowledge and experience in the following areas:

  • Copyright Law, Database Rights, Patent Law, Trademark Law and Design Law
  • ‘Domain-Name’ Law
  • Neighbouring Rights
  • Privacy/Data Protection Act
  • Media and Entertainment Law
  • Protection of Concept & Format Rights
  • Litigation on breach of IP, property seizure relating to infringement & patent revocation
  • Licencing agreements

Are you in need of legal assistance or advice? Contact our Intellectual Property and IT & Media Lawyers.