European Law

European Law

Brussels is becoming more and more important for all of us. Your organization or business enterprise is no exception.To succeed, knowledge of European law is essential. A good headstart with regard to future European legislation will increase your chances for success on the European market: the more you are aware of changes in European laws and regulations, the further your business will grow. The lawyers in our European section are experts in this complex field and related legal areas exemplified by German, international and international transport law.

Expertise in European Law

Van Diepen Van der Kroef are expert in international aspects of the law with specific reference to import, export and international regulations and legislation. Specific areas of proficiency include:

  • Directives, regulations treaties (Rome I, Rome II)
  • M & A transactions within the EU: takeovers, mergers, joint ventures
  • General terms and conditions
  • Judicial proceedings in other member states
  • Environmental and waste regulations
  • Free movement of workers within the EU
  • Partnerships, corporate entities, company setup under EU law
  • Product-related regulation
  • Agency law and regulation

Are you seeking legal advice? Our European law experts are proud of their knowledge. Kindly take up contact with one of our lawyers specialized in European law.

Joachim Staab Advocaat
Joachim Staab 🇩🇪


Advocaat Amsterdam Louise Tauber
Louise Tauber
