Competition Law

Lawyer Competition Law

Competition law is one of the foundations on which current European Union law is built. Fair competition on the internal market is not just essential to the competing entrepeneurs on that market, it is at least equally beneficial to consumers.

Therefore the European Commission and the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) both have broad competences to act against cartels and abuse of dominant market positions. For the prevention of the rise of monopolies or companies which are too powerful, mergers and acquisitions above a certain threshold value must be notified to (and pre-approved by) the competition authorities. We assist clients with these notification procedures in order to ensure a smooth execution of such transactions.

Furthermore we advise clients who are looking to enter into collaborations with other companies, in order to ensure that their agreements do not violate the cartel prohibition, or are otherwise non-compliant with competition law. Also clients who have a suspicion that the competition is enjoying an unfair advantage, may contact us for advice on the possibilities that competition law has to offer.

Expertise in Competition Law

Specific areas of proficiency include:

  • Merger notifications at the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM)
  • Vertical collaboration:
    • Agency agreements
    • Distribution agreements
    • Franchise agreements
  • Horizontal collaboration:
    • Trade associations
    • Efficiency improvements
    • Joint purchasing
  • Cartel prohibition and (block) exemptions thereto
  • Abuse of a dominant market position
  • Unlawful state aid

Are you in need of advice or legal assistance? We are here to help. Contact one of our specialists in Competition law.

Competition Law in relation to other areas of the law

Our competition lawyers work in collaboration with other legal specialists in M&A, business & company law, European law and International law. We assist clients in managing multi-jurisdictional activities. Should it be necessary, we can allocate you to our German, French of Japanse legal departments.