Wiert Jan Berghuis

Wiert Jan Berghuis

Wiert Jan Berghuis specialises in insolvency and real estate law. He advises companies on restructuring, insolvency and directors’ liability. The District Court of Amsterdam frequently appoints him as a trustee in insolvency cases. His expertise in corporate law has proven very useful for the performance of these duties.

Furthermore, Wiert Jan advises and litigates on various real-estate-related issues. In most cases, he is engaged by real estate managers or larger lessors. He is also experienced in preparing and assessing agreements and levying attachments.

Wiert Jan grew up in the north of the Netherlands and worked as a corporate lawyer for a number of years. With boxing being his pastime, he knows a thing or two about perseverance and receiving and delivering blows. This makes Wiert Jan your ideal sparring partner.

  • Dutch lawyer
  • Partner
Admission to practice law:
Regional office:
  • Dutch law, specialising in corporate and private law at the University of Groningen.
Notable cases:
  • Advising and litigating in various lease cases, regarding matters such as subleases (e.g. Airbnb), evictions and rent increases
  • Advising companies in the context of restructuring
  • Preparing and assessing agreements
  • Serving as a trustee in various insolvency cases
Memberships & other related activities:
  • Young Insolvency Lawyers’ Association (Vereniging Jonge Insolventierecht Advocaten, JIRA)
  • Dutch Young Property Lawyers’ Association (Vereniging van Jonge Onroerend Goed Juristen, Vereniging JOJ)
Dutch, English
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