Martin de Jong

Martin de Jong

Martin de Jong is a partner and works out of the Utrecht office, specialising in Employment Law. He advises, assists in finding the most fitting solution and litigates in such cases in the wider instance of both collective and individual employment law. This could be a one-sided amendment to the employment agreement, litigation on pension regulations, Work Council matters, legal support in CAO negotiations, strikes & dismissal. He is employed by small and large employers but also for employees. Martin de Jong has held different positions within the employment law sector: as a journalist, HR professional, as company legal advisor for Heineken and as a lawyer. He knows employment law from all sides and in all its facets. Martin heads the department of employment law.

Martin de Jong lives in the centre of Utrecht with his wife and two children. His sparse free time is spent on sporting activities such as golf, running & his club, FC Utrecht. He is a football trainer and referee.

  • Dutch lawyer
  • Partner
Admission to practice law:
Regional office:
Notable cases:
  • Advises and litigates for employers against Employment Councils (also vice versa) in diverse matters, such as on a reorganisation or the collective transfer to an alternative pension regulation
  • Advises and litigates on amendments to Personnel Regulations (bonus regulations)
  • Advised & litigated for employers in collective termination of employment contract requests (130 employees) due to economic reasons
  • Employee dismissal
  • Assistance during mergers
  • Advises on CAO negotiations
  • Litigation (Summary Proceedings) against a Union in relation to organised strikes
  • Advised van and litigated for employer concerning instant dismissal by a fraudulent employer
Legal specialisms:
Dutch, English
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