Dennis Steffens

Dennis Steffens

Dennis Steffens is a partner and works out of the Utrecht office. He specialises in insolvency matters, restructurings & Company Law. He gives advice to and litigates for company (financial) restructurings, re-starts, Director Liability and in issues surrounding financing and collateral. He regularly acts as a trustee & administrator in bankruptcies and suspensions.

After studying Business Economy, he worked at the Rabobank from 1997. In particular, he worked in the department for Special Asset Management. For this reason, Dennis has a wealth of experience in financing, companies in difficulty and bankruptcy. Due to the fact that Dennis is able to act for companies involved in difficulties or bankruptcies & also can act as a trustee, he is only a positive addition to the interests he protects.

Dennis Steffens is solution-oriented but also an involved, critical & astute lawyer. He always gives 100% and has a strong drive to win. He is driven, enterprising, decisive & brave. In addition, he is thorough and reliable.

Dennis Steffens lives in Utrecht. He likes to read in his spare time and keeps in shape with football and running.

  • Dutch lawyer
  • Partner
Admission to practice law:
Regional office:
  • Law – The VU Amsterdam (Cum Laude)
  • Specialist Education in Financial Economy for Trustees - Grotius Academie
  • Specialist Education in Insolvency Law - Grotius Academie (Cum Laude)
  • Business Economy - HEAO
Notable cases:
  • Advises & litigates on Director Liability
  • Advises & litigates on restructurings, re-starts & creditor agreements
  • Advises & litigates on issues relating to financing & collateral
  • Acted as a trustee for, amongst others, Pouw Automotive Group
Memberships & other related activities:
  • Society of Insolvency Law Advocates (INSOLAD)
  • Gives readings and courses, amongst others, at the Chamber of Commerce
  • Publications: Director Liability & wrongful act claims. The conjuncture of wrongful act claims, in particular, the grounds of legal liability & fraudulent conveyance - Celsus Juridische Publishers (2007)
Dutch, English
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